Gold Choice provides multiple levels of interaction. Each neighborhood is assigned a quality monitor that looks for areas of improvement, engages each resident that day making sure to address potential concerns before they become challenges. With a list of more than ten important points to address, these monitors check with residents about how they’re doing, invite them to activities, make sure their personal spaces and neighborhood common spaces have been attended to, and take note of any obvious changes in status that our Resident Services Care Team may need to investigate further.
Our community is divided into ‘neighborhoods’ that encourage more social interaction between residents in that neighborhood. It helps improve overall well-being. What’s more, every neighborhood has a Designated Care Team Member who exemplifies the level of care and attentiveness we always strive for by overseeing the daily needs of our residents. By having the same care team member serving a neighborhood, when possible, helps us provide the highest quality of comfort, and address resident needs in a timely manner. We believe that when possible, having the same care team member from day-to-day provides the highest quality of comfort and provides a greater chance that small changes in well-being are noticed and will be addressed sooner.
The Resident Services Manager and the Designated Care Team Member work together to ensure that residents needs are addressed in a timely manner.
Our COMFORTS OF HOME program is designed to provide a diverse range of quality home-style comfort foods so you feel right at home. Menus change every day, and guests are always invited to lunch and dinner for a small fee.
Offering quality home-style comfort foods
All three meals are served in our dining room, restaurant style. Snacks are available at any time by request, and HYDRATION STATIONS throughout the facility mean that hot coffee, and water is available at-will.
In addition to our daily menu, residents have access to our ALWAYS AVAILABLE MENU with a range of classic selections made to your liking, just like the comforts of home.